Sunday, October 2, 2011

Catch up, Organizing, Purging... oh my!

School is fast approaching and I realize that I have some serious catching up to do with regards to Becky Higgins digital Project Life, paper Project Life, well... just life in general. I'm getting my home organized, purging old clothes, buying new ones, clearing out the closets and making room for... well... more stuff that will inevitably make its way into my home. That's just the way it is when you have little ones that are constantly growing and joining new activities that require more "stuff".
This year I am hoping to get it all organized so that I will be able to get my little hands on what I need and when.  I started the year off by taking a workshop by Aby Garvy over at If you have never taken the Organize Your Paper Clutter workshop and you have loads of paper clutter... you should!  I highly recommend it. The last class for this year is starting September 15, 2011. Sign up is now. Check it out here
I took the class and find my paper piles have diminished and continue to do so. I can find papers when I need them. I know where to put them rather than have them pile up on my kitchen counter. I have fewer magazines coming through my mailbox. I feel more in control of my paper stuff = less stress. 

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