Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I'm Baaacck!

So sorry for being away for soooo  long, but summer with a house full of kids and nice weather usually means not a lot of time to get on the mac.

Summer is in full swing here. We took a week to enjoy the 4th of July holiday with my family. My first thought was why hadn't I done this every year? You see we live a good 8 hours away from my mother... hence the long drive with three little ones was enough of a deterrent to go any where. Staying put was always so much easier. However, this year, the boys are older, wiser, much more easily placated (ie I can at least reason with them now and the in-car video player doesn't hurt either).

Despite the long drive and international (Canada Day) holiday traffic we had the best time e v e r.

The weather was perfectly hot, sunny, summery with just tid bits of rain at night. Evenings were just dreamy and the temperature - perfect.

Fireworks were enjoyed. Eyes sparkled. Parades, candy being thrown, music, and icy snow cones were had. Swimming in the river. Playing at the park.  An evening game of whiffle ball or two.  Hanging at the beach. A water park.

BBQs. Amazing company. Perfect. What more could a kid ask for on summer vacation? Oh for the love of lazy days of summer (even if it did include more than 8 hours of driving). Hope yours is just dreamy too.

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